NAMA : Nurul fatwa Sari Utami / Erika
Npm : 18214266 / 13214607
Kelas : 1EA23
1. Aktif
: the manager has interviewed some
Pasif : Some candidates have been interviewed by the manager.
Pasif : Some candidates have been interviewed by the manager.
2. Aktif
: my mother would invesment the money in the bank
: the bank will
investment the money
by my mother
Aktiv : they will invest capital
in that company
Pasif : capital will be invested by them in
that company
Aktif : my father will have
completed the work tomorrow morning
Pasif : the work will have been completed by my father
tomorrow morning.
Aktif : my uncle will pay tax next week
Pasif : next week by my uncle would pay taxes
Aktiv : the goverment warranty health
insurance for the indonesian
Pasif : indonesian goverment warranty health insurance
Aktif : amir is requit email
nurul this morning
Pasif : email nurul requitment by amir this morning
Aktif : hospital that will
provide good service to the patient
Pasif : good hospital services will be provided to in patient
Aktif : Pharmacies that provide
supplies drugs many for public
Pasif : supply of drugs that many pharmacies were given to the public.
10. Aktif : PT. Unilever in need labor to tommorow morning
Pasif : labor are needed to pt. unilever